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Dell Sanitary Ware SALE!!!


Dell Sanitary ware was built on the platform of supreme quality standards, aesthetics and with the goal of offering top-notch products 20 years ago. Since its conception at Gujranwala, Pakistan; today the company has reached the heights of professional excellence in a short period of time because of its relentless hard work and management. The company has revolutionized the industry from simply functional to inspirational.

Basins Pedestal

From Rs: 4485
stdClass Object ( [price] => 12800 [price_with_discount] => 4485 )

One Piece Toilet

From Rs: 17420
stdClass Object ( [price] => 28950 [price_with_discount] => 17420 )

Asian Toilet Seat - Squatting Pan

From Rs: 3318
stdClass Object ( [price] => 4740 [price_with_discount] => 3318 )

Wall Hung Toilets

From Rs: 16678
stdClass Object ( [price] => 26900 [price_with_discount] => 16678 )

Wall Hung Basin

From Rs: 12390
stdClass Object ( [price] => 17700 [price_with_discount] => 12390 )

Uper Counter Basins

From Rs: 6895
stdClass Object ( [price] => 11700 [price_with_discount] => 6895 )

Under Counter Basins

From Rs: 6615
stdClass Object ( [price] => 9450 [price_with_discount] => 6615 )

One Piece Basins

From Rs: 12390
stdClass Object ( [price] => 20900 [price_with_discount] => 12390 )


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